Category Archives: DevOps

How small is small?

I have great respect for the professional agile coach and scrum master community. Few people seem to systematically care for both humans and business, maintaining profitability without ever sacrificing the humans. Now, however, I will alienate vast swathes of them in one post. Hold on.

What is work in software development?

Most mature teams do two types of work, they look after a system and make small changes to it – maintenance, keeping the lights on and new features that the business claims it wants. It is common to get an army in to build a new platform and then allow the teams to naturally attrit as transformational project works fizzles out, contractors leave, the most marketable developers either get promoted out of the team or get better offers elsewhere. A small stream of fine adjustment changes keep coming in to the core team of maintenance developers – effectively – that remains. Eventually this maintenance development work gets outsourced abroad.

A better way is to have teams of people that work together all day every day. Don’t expand and contract or otherwise mess with teams, hire carefully from the beginning and keep new work flowing into teams rather than restructuring after a piece of work is complete. Contract experts to pair with the existing team if you need to tech the team new technology, but don’t get mercenaries to do work. It might be slower, but if you have a good team that you treat well, odds are better they’ll stay, and they will develop new features to be able to be maintained better in the future and less likely to cut corners as any shortcuts will blow up in their own faces shortly later.

Why do we plan work?

When companies spend money on custom software development, a set of managers at very high positions within the organisation have decided that investing in custom software is a competitive advantage, and several other managers think they are crazy to spend all this money on IT.

To mollify the greater organisation, there is some financial oversight and budgeting. Easily communicated projects are sold to the business “we’ll put a McGuffin in the app”, “we’ll sprinkle some AI on it” or similar, and hopefully there is enough money in there to also do a bit of refactoring on the sly.

This pot of money is finite, so there is strong pressure to keep costs under control, don’t get any surprise AWS bills or middle managers will have to move on. Cost runaway kills companies, so there are legitimately people not sleeping at night when there are big projects in play.

How do we plan?

Problem statement

Software development is very different from real work. If you build a physical thing, anything from a phone to a house, you can make good use of a detailed drawing describing exactly how the thing is constructed and the exact properties of the components that are needed. If you are to make changes or maintain it, you need these specifications. It is useful both for construction and maintenance.

If you write the exact same piece of software twice, you have some kind of compulsive issue, you need help. The operating system comes with commands to duplicate files. Or you could run the compiler twice. There are infinite ways of building the exact same piece of software. You don’t need a programmer to do that, it’s pointless. A piece of software is not a physical thing.

Things change, a lot. Fundamentally – people don’t know what they want until they see it, so even if you did not have problems with technology changing underneath your feet whilst developing software, you would still have problems with the fact that fundamentally people did not know what they wanted back when they asked you to build something.

The big issues though is technology change. Back in the day, computer manufacturers would have the audacity to evolve the hardware in ways that made you have to re-learn how to write code. High level languages came along and now instead we live with Microsoft UI frameworks or Javascript frameworks that are mandatory one day and obsolete the next. Things change.

How do you ever successfully plan to build software, then? Well… we have tried to figure that out for seven decades. The best general concept we have arrived at so far is iteration, i.e. deliver small chunks over time rather than to try and deliver all of it at once.

The wrong way

One of the most well-known but misunderstood papers is Managing The Development of Large Software Systems by Dr Winston W Royce1 that launched the concept Waterfall.

Basically, the software development process in waterfall is outlined into distinct phases:

  1. System requirements
  2. Software requirements
  3. Analysis
  4. Program design
  5. Coding
  6. Testing
  7. Operations

For some reason people took this as gospel for several decades, despite the core, fundamental problem that dooms the process to failure is outlined right below figure 2 – the pretty waterfall illustration of the phases above – that people keep referring to, it says:

I believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky and invites failure. The
problem is illustrated in Figure 4. The testing phase which occurs at the end of the development cycle is the
first event for which timing, storage, input/output transfers, etc., are experienced as distinguished from
analyzed. These phenomena are not precisely analyzable. They are not the solutions to the standard partial
differential equations of mathematical physics for instance. Yet if these phenomena fail to satisfy the various
external constraints, then invariably a major redesign is required. A simple octal patch or redo of some isolated
code will not fix these kinds of difficulties. The required design changes are likely to be so disruptive that the
software requirements upon which the design is based and which provides the rationale for everything are
violated. Either the requirements must be modified, or a substantial change in the design is required. In effect
the development process has returned to the origin and one can expect up to a lO0-percent overrun in schedule
and/or costs.

Managing The Development of Large Software Systems, Dr Winston W Royce

Reading further, Royce realises that a more iterative approach is necessary as pure waterfall is impossible in practice. His legacy however was not that.

Another wrong way – RUP

Rational Rose and the Rational Unified Process was the Chat GPT of the late nineties, early noughties. Basically, if you only would make an UML drawing in Rational Rose, it would give you a C++ program that executed. It was magical. Before PRINCE2 and SAFe, everyone was RUP certified. You had loads of planning meetings, wrote elaborate Use Cases on index cards, and eventually you had code. It sounds like waterfall with better tooling.


People realised that when things are constantly changing, it was doomed to have a fixed plan to start with and to stay on it even when you knew that it was unattainable or undesirable to reach the original goal. Loads of attempts were made, but one day some people got together to actually have a proper go at defining what should be the true way going forward.

In February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, seventeen people met to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common ground—and of course, to eat. What emerged was the Agile ‘Software Development’ Manifesto. Representatives from Extreme Programming, SCRUM, DSDM, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, and others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convened.

History: The Agile Manifesto

So – everybody did that, and we all lived happily ever after?

Short answer: No. You don’t get to just spend cash, i.e. have developer do work, without making it clear what you are spending it on, why, and how you intend to know that it worked. Completely unacceptable, people thought.

The origins of tribalism within IT departments have been done to death in this blog alone, so for once it will not be rehashed. Suffice to say, organisationally often staff is organised according to their speciality rather than in teams that produce output together. Budgeting is complex, there can be political competition that is counter productive to IT as a whole or for the organisation as a whole.

Attempts at running a midsize to large IT department that develops custom software have been made in form of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), DevOps and SRE (where SRE is addressing the problem backwards, from running black-box software using monitoring, alerts, metrics and tracing to ensure operability and reliability of the software).

As part of some of the original frameworks that came in with the Agile Manifesto, a bunch of practices became part of Agile even though they were not “canon”, such as User Stories, that were said to be a few words on an index card, pinned to a noticeboard in the team office, just wordy enough to help you discuss a problem directly with your user. This of course eventually started to develop back into the verbose RUP Use Cases from yesteryear, but “agile, because they are in Jira”, and rules had to be created for the minimum amount of information on there to successfully deliver a feature. In the Toyota Production System that originated Scrum, Lean Software Development and Six Sigma (sadly, an antipattern), one of the key the lessons is The ideal batch size is 1, and generally making smaller changes. This explosion in size of the user story is symptomatic of the remaining problems in modern software development.

Current state of affairs

So what do we do

As you can surmise if you read the previous paragraphs, we did not fix it for everybody, we still struggle to reliably make software.

The story and its size problems

The part of this blog post that will alienate the agile community is coming up. The units of work are too big. You can’t release something that is not a feature. Something smaller than a feature has no value.

If you work next to a normal human user, and they say – to offer an example – “we keep accidentally clicking on this button, so we end up sending a message to the customer too early, we are actually just trying to get to this area here to double-check before sending”, you can collaboratively determine the correct behaviour, make it happen, release in one day, and it is a testable and demoable feature.

Unfortunately requirements tend to be much bigger and less customer facing. Like, department X want to start seeing the reasons for turning down customer requests in their BI tooling being a feature, and then a “product backlog item” could be service A and service B needs to post messages on a message bus in various positions of the user flow identifying reasons.

Iterating over and successfully releasing this style of feature to production is hard.

Years ago I saw Allen Holub speaking on SD&D in London and his approach to software development is very pure. It is both depressing and enlightening to read the flamewars that erupt in his mentions on Twitter when he explains how to successfully make and release small changes. People scream and shout that it is not possible to do it his way.

In the years since, I have come to realise that nothing is more important than making smaller units of work. We need to make smaller changes. Everything gets better if / when we succeed. It requires a mindset shift, a move away from big detailed backlogs to smaller changes, discussed directly with the customer (in the XP sense, probably some other person in the business, or another development team). To combat the uncertainty, it is possible to mandate some kind of documentation update (graph? chart?) as part of the definition of done. Yes, needless documentation is waste, but if we need to keep a map over how the software is built, as long as people actually consult it, it is useful. We don’t need any further artefacts of the story once the feature is live in production anyway.

How do we make smaller stories?

This is the challenge for our experts in agile software development. Teach us, be bothered, ignore the sighs of developers that still do not understand, the ones raging in Allen Holub’s mentions. I promise, they will understand when they see it first hand. Daily releases of bug free code. They think people are lying to them when they hear us talk about it. When they experience it though, they will love it.

When every day means a new story in production, you also get predictability. As soon as you are able to split incoming or proposed work into daily chunks, you also get the ability to forecast – roughly, better than most other forms of estimate – and since you deliver the most important new thing every day, you give the illusion of value back to those that pay your salary.

Abstractions, abstractions everywhere

X, X everywhere meme template, licensed by

All work in software engineering is about abstractions.


All models are wrong, but some are useful

George Box

It began with Assembly language, when people were tired of writing large-for-its-time programs in raw binary instructions, they made a language that basically mapped each binary instruction to a text value, and then there was an app that would translate that to raw binary and print punch cards. Not a huge abstraction, but it started there. Then came high level languages and off we went. Now we can conjure virtual hardware out of thin air with regular programming languages.

The magic of abstractions, it really gives you an amazing leverage, but at the same time you sacrifice actual knowledge of the implementation details, meaning you often get exposed to obscure errors that you either have no idea what they mean, or even worse- understand exactly what’s wrong but you don’t have access to make that change because the source is just a machine translated piece of Go, and there is no way to fix the translated C# directly, just to take one example.

Granularity and collaboration across an organisation

Abstractions in code

Starting small

Most systems start small, solving a specific problem. This is done well, and the requirements grow, people begin to understand what is possible and features accrue. A monolith is built, and it is useful. For a while things will be excellent and features will be added at great speed, and developers might be added along the way.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked

John Gall

Things take a turn

Usually, at some point some things go wrong – or auditors get involved because regulatory compliance – and you prevent developers from deploying to production, hiring gate keepers to protect the company from the developers. In the olden days – hopefully not anymore – you hire testers to do manual testing to cover a shortfall in automated testing. Now you have a couple of hand-offs within the team, meaning people write code, give it to testers who find bugs, work goes the wrong way – backwards – for developers to clean up their own mess and to try again. Eventually something will be available to release, and the gate keepers will grudgingly allow a change to happen, at some point.

This leads to a slow down in the feature factory, some old design choices may cause problems that further slow down the pace of change, or – if you’re lucky – you just have too many developers in one team, and you somehow have to split them up in different teams, which means comms deteriorate and collaborating in one codebase becomes even harder. With the existing change prevention, struggles with quality and now poor cross-team communication, something has to be done to clear a path so that the two groups of people can collaborate effectively.

Separation of concerns

So what do we do? Well, every change needs to be covered by some kind of automated test, if only to at first guarantee that you aren’t making things worse. This way you can now refactor the codebase to a point where the two groups can have separate responsibilities, and collaborate over well defined API boundaries, for instance. Separate deployable units, so that teams are free to deploy according to their own schedule.

If we can get better collaboration with early test designs and front-load test automation, and befriend the ops gatekeepers to wire in monitoring so that teams are fully wired in to how their products behave in the live environment, we would be close to optimum.

Unfortunately – this is very difficult. Taking a pile of software and making sense of it, deciding how to split it up between teams, gradually separating out features can be too daunting to really get started. You don’t want to break anything, and if you – as many are won’t to do, especially if you are new in an organisation – decide to start over from scratch, you may run into one or more of the problems that occur when attempting a rewrite. One example being where you end up in a competition against a moving target. The same team has to own a feature in both the old and the new codebase, in that case, to stop that competition. For some companies it is simply worth the risk, they are aware they are wasting enormous sums of money, but they still accept the cost. You would have to be very brave.

Abstractions in Infrastructure

From FTP-from-within-the-editor to Cloud native IaC

When software is being deployed – and I am ignoring native apps now, largely, and focusing on web applications and APIs- there are a number of things that are actually happening that are at this point completely obscured by layers of abstraction.

The metal

The hardware needs to exist. This used to be a very physical thing, a brand new HP ProLiant howling in the corner of the office onto which you installed a server OS and set up networking so that you could deploy software on it, before plugging it into a rack somewhere, probably a cupboard – hopefully with cooling and UPS. Then VM hosts became a thing, so you provisioned apps using VMWare or similar and got to be surprised at how expensive enterprise storage is per GB compared to commodity hardware. This could be done via VMWare CLI, but most likely an ops person pointed and clicked.

Deploying software

Once the VM was provisioned, things like Ansible, Chef and Puppet began to become a thing, abstracting away the stopping of websites, the copying of zip files, the unzipping, the rewriting configuration and the restarting of the web app into a neat little script. Already here you are seeing problems where “normal” problems, like a file being locked by a running process, show up as a very cryptic error message that the developer might not understand. You start to see cargo cult where people blindly copy things from one app to another because you think two services are the same, and people don’t understand the details. Most of the time that’s fine, but it can also be problematic with a bit of bad luck.

Somebody else’s computer

Then cloud came, and all of a sudden you did not need to buy a server up front and instead rent as much server as you need. Initially, all you had was VMs, so your Chef/Puppet/Ansible worked pretty much the same as before, and each cloud provider offered a different was of provisioning virtual hardware before you came to the point where the software deployment mechanism came into play. More abstractions to fundamentally do the same thing. Harder to analyse any failures, you some times have to dig out a virtual console to just see why/how an app is failing because it’s not even writing logs. Abstractions may exist, but they often leak.

Works on my machine-as-a-service

Just like the London Pool and the Docklands were rendered derelict by containerisation, a lot of people’s accumulated skills in Chef and Ansible have been rendered obsolete as app deployments have become smaller, each app simply unzipped on top of a brand new Linux OS sprinkled with some configuration answer, and then have the image pushed to a registry somewhere. On one hand, it’s very easy. If you can build the image and run the container locally, it will work in the cloud (provided the correct access is provisioned, but at least AWS offer a fake service that let’s you dry run the app on your own machine and test various role assignments to make sure IAM is also correctly set up. On the other hand, somehow the “metal” is locked away even further and you cannot really access a console anymore, just a focused log viewer that let’s you see only events related to your ECS task, for instance.

Abstractions in Organisations

The above tales of ops vs test vs dev illustrates the problem of structuring an organisation incorrectly. If you structure it per function you get warring tribes and very little progress because one team doesn’t want any change at all in order to maintain stability, the other one gets held responsible for every problem customers encounter and the third one just wants to add features. If you structured the organisation for business outcome, everyone would be on the same team working towards the same goals with different skill sets, so the way you think of the boxes in an org chart can have a massive impact on real world performance.

There are no solutions, only trade-offs, so consider the effects of sprinkling people of various background across the organisation, if instead of being kept in the cellar as usual you start proliferating your developers among the general population of the organisation, how do you ensure that every team follows the agreed best practices, that no corners are cut even when a non-technical manager is demanding answers. How do you manage performance of developers you have to go out of your way to see? I argue such things are solvable problems, but do ask your doctor if reverse Conway is right for you.


What is a good abstraction?

Coupling vs Cohesion

If a team can do all of their day-to-day work without waiting for another team to deliver something or approve something, if there are no hand-offs, then they have good cohesion. All the things needed are to hand. If the rest of the organisation understands what this team does and there is no confusion about which team to go to with this type of work, then you have high cohesion. It is a good thing.

If however, one team constantly is worrying about what another team is doing, where certain tickets are in their sprint in order to schedule their own work, then you have high coupling and time is wasted. Some work has to be moved between teams or the interface between the teams has to be made more explicit in order to reduce this interdependency.

In Infrastructure, you want the virtual resources associated with one application to be managed within the same repository/area to offer locality and ease of change for the team.

Single Responsibility Principle

While dangerous to over-apply within software development (you get more coupling than cohesion if you are too zealous), this principle is generally useful within architecture and infrastructure.

Originally meaning that one class / method should only do one thing – an extrapolation of the UNIX principles – it can more generally be said to mean that on that layer of abstraction, a team, infrastructure pipe, app, program, class […] should have one responsibility. This usually mean a couple of things happen, but they conceptually belong together. They have the same reason to change.

What – if any – pitfalls exist ?

The major weakness of most abstractions is when they fall apart, when they leak. Not having access to a physical computer is fine, as long as the deployment pipeline is working, as long as the observability is wired up correctly, but when it falls down, you still need to be able to see console output, you need to understand how networking works, to some extent, you need to understand what obscure operating system errors mean. Basically when things go really wrong you are needed to have already learned to run that app in that operating system before, so you recognise the error messages and have some troubleshooting steps memorised.
So although we try and save our colleagues from the cognitive load of having to know everything we were forced to learn over the decades, to spare them the heartache, they still need to know. All of it. So yes, the danger with the proliferation of layers of abstraction is to pick the correct ones, and to try and keep the total bundle of layers as lean as possible because otherwise someone will want to simplify or clarify these abstractions by adding another layer on top, and the cycle begins again.

GitHub Action shenanigans

When considering what provider to use in order to polish and cut the diamonds that are your deployable units of code into the stunningly clear diamonds they deserve to be, you have probably considered CircleCi, Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, TeamCity and similar.

After playing with GitHub Actions for a bit, I’m going to comment on a few recent experiences.

Overall Philosophy

Unlike TeamCity, but like CircleCI and – to some extent – Azure DevOps, it’s all about what is in the yaml. You modify your code and the wáy it gets built in the same commit – which is the way God intended it.

There are countless benefits to this strategy, over that of TeamCity where the builds are defined in the UI. That means that if you make a big restructuring of the source repository but need to hotfix a pre-restructure version of the code, you had better have kept an archived version of the old build chain or you will have a bad day.

There is a downside, though. The artefact management and chaining in TeamCity is extremely intuitive, so if you build an artefact in one chain and deploy it in the next, it is really simple to make work like clockwork. You can achieve this easily with ADO too, but those are predictably the bits that require some tickling of the UI.

Now, is a real problem? Should not – in this modern world – builds be small and self-contained? Build-and-push to a docker registry, [generic-tool] up, Bob’s your uncle? Your artefact stuff and separate build / deployment pipelines smack of legacy, what are we – living in the past?! you exclaim.

Sure, but… Look, the various hallelujah solutions that offer “build-and-push-and-deploy”, you know as well as I do that at some point they are going to behave unpredictably, and all you can tell is that the wrong piece of code is running in production with no evidence offered as to why.

“My kingdom for a logfile” as it is written, so – you want to separate the build from the deploy, and then you need to stitch a couple of things together and the problems start.

Complex scenarios

When working with ADO, you can name builds (in the UI) so that you can reference their output from the yaml, and move on from there, to identify the tag of the docker container you just built and reference it when you are deploying cloud resources.

What about GitHub Actions?


Allegedly, you can define outputs or you can create reusaable workflows, so that your “let’s build cloud resources” bit of yaml can be shared in case you have multiple situations (different environments?) that you want to deploy that the same time, you can avoid duplication.

There are a couple of gotchas, though. If you defined a couple of outputs in a workflow for returning a couple of docker image tags for later consumption, they … exist, somewhere? Maybe. You could first discover that your tags are disqualified from being used as output in a step because they contain a secret(!), which in the AWS case can be resolved by supplying an undocumented parameter to the AWS Login action, encouraging it to not mask the account number. The big showstopper imhoi is that the scenario where you would want to just grab some metadata from a historic run of a separate workflow file to identify which docker images to deploy, that doesn’t seem as clearly supported.

The idea for GitHub Actions workflows seems to be – at least at time of writing, that you do all the things in one file, in one go, possibly with some flow-control to pick which steps get skipped. There is no support for the legacy concept of “OK, I built it now, and deployed it to my test environment” – some manual testing happens – and “OK, it was fine, of course, I was never worried” -> you deploy the same binaries to live. “Ah HAH! You WERE just complaining about legacy! I KNEW IT!” you shout triumphantly. Fair cop, but society is to blame.

If you were to consider replacing Azure DevOps with GitHub Actions for anything even remotely legacy, please be aware that things could end up being dicey. Imho.

If I’m wrong, I’m hoping to leverage Cunningham’s Law to educate me, because googling and reading the source sure did not reveal any magic to me.

.NET C# CI/CD in Docker

Works on my machine-as-a-service

When building software in the modern workplace, you want to automatically test and statically analyse your code before pushing code to production. This means that rather than tens of test environments and an army of manual testers you have a bunch of automation that runs as close to when the code is written. Tests are run, the rate of how much code is not covered by automated tests is calculated, test results are published to the build server user interface (so that in the event that -heaven forbid – tests are broken, the developer gets as much detail as possible to resolve the problem) and static analysis of the built piece of software is performed to make sure no known problematic code has been introduced by ourselves, and also verifying that dependencies included are free from known vulnerabilities.

The classic dockerfile added by C# when an ASP.NET Core Web Api project is started features a multi stage build layout where an initial layer includes the full C# SDK, and this is where the code is built and published. The next layer is based on the lightweight .NET Core runtime, and the output directory from the build layer is copied here and the entrypoint is configured so that the website starts when you run the finished docker image.

Even tried multi

Multistage builds were a huge deal when they were introduced. You get one docker image that only contains the things you need, any source code is safely binned off in other layers that – sure – are cached, but don’t exist outside this local docker host on the build agent. If you then push the finished image to a repository, none of the source will come along. In the before times you had to solve this with multiple Dockerfiles, which is quite undesirable. You want to have high cohesion but low coupling, and fiddling with multiple Dockerfiles when doing things like upgrading versions does not give you a premium experience and invites errors to an unnecessesary degree.

Where is the evidence?

Now, when you go to Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions or CircleCI to find what went wrong with your build, the test results are available because the test runner has produced and provided output that can be understood by that particular test runner. If your test runner is not forthcoming with the information, all you will know is “computer says no” and you will have to trawl through console data – if that – and that is not the way to improve your day.

So – what – what do we need? Well we need the formatted test output. Luckily dotnet test will give it to us if we ask it nicely.

The only problem is that those files will stay on the image that we are binning – you know multistage builds and all that – since we don’t want these files to show up in the finished supposedly slim article.

Old world Docker

When a docker image is built, every relevant change will create a new layer, and eventually a final image will be created and published that is an amalgamation of all consistuent layers. In the olden days, the legacy builder would cache all of the intermediate layers and publish a hash in the output so that you could refer back to intermediate layers should you so choose.

This seems like the perfect way of forensically finding the test result files we need. Let’s add a LABEL so that we can find the correct layer after the fact, copy the test data output and push it to the build server.

FROM AS base
FROM AS build
COPY ["src/webapp/webapp.csproj", "/src/webapp/"]
COPY ["src/classlib/classlib.csproj", "/src/classlib/"]
COPY ["test/classlib.tests/classlib.tests.csproj", "/test/classlib.tests/"]
# restore for all projects
RUN dotnet restore src/webapp/webapp.csproj
RUN dotnet restore src/classlib/classlib.csproj
RUN dotnet restore test/classlib.tests/classlib.tests.csproj
COPY . .
# test
# install the report generator tool
RUN dotnet tool install dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool --version 5.1.20 --tool-path /tools
RUN dotnet test --results-directory /testresults --logger "trx;LogFileName=test_results.xml" /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura /p:CoverletOutput=/testresults/coverage/ /test/classlib.tests/classlib.tests.csproj
LABEL test=true
# generate html reports using report generator tool
RUN /tools/reportgenerator "-reports:/testresults/coverage/coverage.cobertura.xml" "-targetdir:/testresults/coverage/reports" "-reporttypes:HTMLInline;HTMLChart"
RUN ls -la /testresults/coverage/reports
RUN dotnet publish src/webapp/webapp.csproj -c $BUILD_TYPE -o /app/publish
# Package the published code as a zip file, perhaps? Push it to a SAST?
# Bottom line is, anything you want to extract forensically from this build
# process is done in the build layer.
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=build /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "webapp.dll"]

The way you would leverage this test output is by fishing out the remporary layer from the cache and assign it to a new image from which you can do plain file operations.

# docker images --filter "label=test=true"
<none>       <none>    0d90f1a9ad32   40 minutes ago   3.16GB
# export id=$(docker images --filter "label=test=true" -q | head -1)
# docker create --name testcontainer $id
# docker cp testcontainer:/testresults ./testresults
# docker rm testcontainer

All our problems are solved. Wrap this in a script and you’re done. I did, I mean they did, I stole this from another blog.

Unfortunately keeping an endless archive of temporary, orphaned layers became a performance and storage bottleneck for docker, so – sadly – the Modern Era began with some optimisations that rendered this method impossible.

The Modern Era of BuildKit

Since intermediate layers are mostly useless, just letting them fall by the wayside and focus on actual output was much more efficient according to the forces that be. The use of multistage Dockerfiles to additionally produce test data output was not recommended or recognised as a valid use case.

So what to do? Well – there is a new command called docker bake that lets you do docker build on multiple docker images, or – most importantly – built targetting multiple targets on the same Dockerfile.

This means you can run one build all the way through to produce the final lightweight image and also have a second run that saves the intermediary image full of test results. Obviously the docker cache will make sure nothing is actually run twice, the second run is just about picking out the layer from the cache and making it accessible.

The Correct way of using bake is to format a bake file in HCL format:

group "default" {
  targets = [ "webapp", "webapp-test" ]
target "webapp" {
  output = [ "type=docker" ]
  dockerfile = "src/webapp/Dockerfile"
target "webapp-test" {
  output = [ "type=image" ]
  dockerfile = "src/webapp/Dockerfile"
  target = "build"

If you run this command line with docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl, you will be able to fish out the historic intermediary layer using the method described above.


So – using this mechanism you get a minimal number of dockerfiles, you get all the build guffins happening inside docker, giving you freedom from whatever limitations plague your build agent yet the bloated mess that is the build process will be automagically discarded and forgotten as you march on into your bright future with a lightweight finished image.

Technical debt – the truth


Within software engineering we often talk about Technical Debt. It was defined by elder programmer and agilist Ward Cunningham and likens trade offs made when designing and developing software to credit you can take on, but that has to be repaid eventually. The comparison further correctly implies that you have to service your credit every time you make new changes to the code, and that the interest compounds over time. Some companies literally go bankrupt over unmanageable technical debt – because the cost of development goes up as speed of delivery plummets, and whatever use the software was intended to have is eventually completely covered by a competitor yet unburden by technical debt.

But what do you mean technical debt?

The decision to take a shortcut can be a couple of things. Usually amount of features, or time spent per feature. It could mean postponing required features to meet a deadline/milestone, despite it taking longer to circle back and do the work later in the process. If there is no cost to this scheduling change, it’s just good planning. For it to be defined as technical debt there has to have been a cost associated with the rescheduling.

It is also possible to sacrifice quality to meet a deadline. “Let’s not apply test driven development because it takes longer, we can write tests after the feature code instead”. That would mean that instead of iteratively writing a failing tests first followed by the feature code that makes that test pass, we will get into a state of flow and churn out code as we solve the problem in varying levels of abstraction and retrofit tests as we deem necessary. Feels fast, but the tests get big, incomplete, unwieldy and brittle compared to the plentiful small all-encompassing, and specific tests TDD bring. A debt you are taking on to be paid later.

A third kind of technical debt – which I suspect is the most common – is also the one that fits the comparison to financial debt the least. A common way to cut corners is to not continuously maintain your code as it evolves over time. It’s more akin to the cost of not looking after your house as it is attacked by weather and nature, more dereliction than anything else really.

Let’s say your business had a physical product it would sell back when a certain piece of software was written. Now the product sold is essentially a digital license of some kind, but in the source code you still have inventory, shipping et cetera that has been modified to handle selling a digital product in a way that kind of works, but every time you introduce a new type of digital product you have to write further hacks to make it appear like a physical product as far as the system knows.

The correct way to deal with this would have been to make a more fundamental change the first time digital products were introduced. Maybe copy the physical process at first and cut things out that don’t make sense whilst you determine how digital products work, gradually refactoring the code as you learn.


What does compound interest mean in the context of technical debt? Let’s say you have created a piece of software, your initial tech debt in this story is you are thin on unit tests but have tried to compensate by making more elaborate integration tests. So let’s say the time comes to add an integration, let’s say a json payload needs to be posted to a third party service over HTTP with a bespoke authentication behaviour.

If you had applied TDD, you would most likely have a fairly solid abstraction over the rest payload, so that an integration test could be simple and small.

But in our hypothetical you have less than ideal test coverage, so you need to write a fairly elaborate integration test that needs to verify parts of the surrounding feature along with the integration itself to truly know the integration works.

Like with some credit cards, you have two options on your hypothetical tech debt statement, either build the elaborate new integration test at a significant cost – a day? Three? Or you avert your eyes and choose the second – smaller- amount and increase your tech debt principal by not writing an automated test at all and vow to test this area of code by hand every time you make a change. The technical debt equivalent of a payday loan.


So what’s wrong with this perfect description of engineering trade offs? We addressed above how a common type of debt doesn’t fit the debt model very neatly, which is one issue, but I think the bigger problem is – to the business we just sound like cowboy builders.

Would you accept that a builder under-specified a steel beam for an extension you are having built? “It’s cheaper and although it is not up to code, it’ll still take the weight of the side of the house and your kids and a few of their friends. Don’t worry about it.“ No, right? Or an electrician getting creative with the earthing of the power shower as it’s Friday afternoon, and he had promised to be done by now. Heck no, yes?

The difference of course is that within programming there is no equivalent of a GasSafe registry, no NICEIC et cetera. There are no safety regulations for how you write code, yet.

This means some people will offer harmful ways of cutting corners to people that don’t have the context to know the true cost of the technical debt involved.

We will complain that product owners are unwilling to spend budget on necessary technical work, so as to blame product rather than take some responsibility. The business expects us to flag up if there are problems. Refactoring as we go, upgrading third party dependencies as we go should not be something the business has to care about. Just add it to the tickets, cost of doing business.

Sure there are big singular incidents such as a form of authentication being decommissioned or a framework being sunset that will require big coordinated change involving product, but usually those changes aren’t that hard to sell to the business. It is unpleasant but the business can understand this type of work being necessary.

The stuff that is hard to sell is bunched up refactorings you should have done along the way over time, but you didn’t- and now you want to do them because it’s starting to hurt. Tech debt amortisation is very hard to sell, because things are not totally broken now, why do we have to eat the cost of this massive ticket when everything works and is making money? Are you sure you aren’t just trying to gold plate something just out of vanity? The budget is finite and product has other things on their mind to deal with. Leave it for now, we’ll come back to it (when it’s already fallen over).

The business expects you to write code that is reliable, performant and maintainable. Even if you warn them you are offering to cut corners at the expense of future speed of execution, a non-developer may have no idea of the scale of the implications of what you are offering .

If they spent a big chunk out of their budget one year – the equivalent of a new house in a good neighbourhood – so that a bunch of people could build a piece of software with the hope that this brand new widget in a website or new line-of-business app will bring increased profits over the coming years, they don’t want to hear roughly the same group of people refer to it as “legacy code” already at the end of the following financial year.


Think of your practices as regulations that you simply cannot violate. Stop offering solutions that involve sacrificing quality! Please even.

We are told that making an elaborate big-design-upfront is waterfall and bad – but how about some-design-upfront? Just enough thinking ahead to decide where to extend existing functionality and where to instead put a fork in the road and begin a more separate flow in the code, that you then develop iteratively.

If you have to make the bottom line more appealing to the stakeholders for them to dare invest in making new product through you and not through dubious shadow-IT, try and figure out a way to start smaller and deliver value sooner rather than tricking yourself into accepting work that you cannot possibly deliver safely and responsibly.


What are the genuinely difficult aspects of transforming your software function?

It seems everybody intuitively understands what brings speed and short time to market, and how that in turn automatically allows for better innovation. Also people seem to get that in the current stale market, with fast enough delivery you could even forego smarts and just brute force innovation launching new concepts and tweaks until profits go up and then declare a win as if you knew what you were doing that whole time. Secretly people also know that although you could rinse and repeat doing the naïve approach until retirement, optionally you could exert minimum effort and measure a bit better so that you know what you are doing so that you can focus your efforts.

So why aren’t everyone moving on this?

When you get a bunch of people in the same organisation you want to achieve some economies of scale and solve common problems once rather than once per team.

This means you delegate some functions into separate teams. Undoing this, or at least mitigating this, is difficult politically. Some people – with some cause – fear for their jobs when reorgs happen.

Sudden unexpected cost runaway is the biggest recurring nightmare of middle managers. Controls are therefore in place to prevent developer cloud spend to balloon.

Taken together however, this means teams are prevented from innovating independently as they cannot construct the virtual infrastructure as needed because of cost not being authorised, and they cannot play with new pieces of virtual infrastructure because they haven’t been approved by the central tech authority yet.

Automation and security

There is a recent spate of sophisticated attacks on software delivery mechanisms where cyber criminals have had massive success in breaching one organisation to get automatic access to hundreds of thousands of other organisations through the update mechanism the breaches organisation provides.

Must consider security at design time

I think it needs reiterating that security needs to be built in by default, from the beginning. I haven’t gone back to check properly, but I know I went back and deleted an old blog post because it had some dubious security practice in it. My new policy is, I would rather omit some part of a process than show a dodgy sample. There are so many blog posts you find if you search for “login form” that don’t even hash passwords. And rather than point beginners to the built-in password hashing algorithms that are available in .NET, and the two lines of code you have to write, they leave some beginners thinking it’s all right, just this once and breed this basic idea that security is optional. Something you test for afterwards if you are building something “important” and not something you think about all the time.

The thing is, we developers have tools that help us do complicated things – like break bits of code out from other bits of code automatically or rename specific constructs by a certain name, including surrounding text comments, without also incorrectly renaming unrelated constructs that share name.

It turns out cyber criminals too have plenty of automation that helps them spend very little effort breaking in to companies, and exploit this access in a number of different ways.

There is maybe no “why”

This has a couple of implications. First off, attackers are probably not looking for you per se. You may be a nobody, you will still be exposed to automated attacks that test your network for known vulnerabilities and apply automated suites of exploits to see what happens. This means that even if you don’t do anything that conceivably could have value to an attacker, you will still be probed.

The second thing is, to prevent data loss you need to make every step the attacker has to take a hardship. Don’t advertise what software versions your public facing servers are running, don’t let service accounts have access to things beyond what they need, do divide networks into segments so that – for example – one machine with ransomware cannot directly infect your entire network.

Defend in depth

Change any business processes that require people to open e-mail attachments as part of their job. Offer services that help people do their job in a more convenient way that is also more secure. You cannot berate people for attempting to do their job. I mean, you can but it is not helpful.

Move backups off site and offline of course, for many reasons. But, do remember that having to recover a massive storage system from a backup can still be an extinction level event for a business even if you do have a working reliable off site backup solution. If you lose a large SAN you may be offline for days, and people will not be able to work, you may need to bring sites offline while storage recovers. When you procure a sophisticated storage solution, do not forget to design a recovery strategy ahead of time for how to rebuild a massive spinning rust storage array from absolute zero while new data is continuously generated. It is a non-trivial design challenge that probably needs tailoring to how your business operates. The point is, avoiding the situation where you need to actually restore your entire storage from tapes is always best.

Next level

Despite the intro, I have so far only mentioned things that any company needs to think about. There are of course organisations that are actually targeted. Financial institutions, large e-retailers or software supply chain companies run a greater risk of being manually targeted by evildoers.


Designing a secure process for delivering software updates is not trivial, I am not in any position to give direct advice beyond suggesting that if you are intending to do that, to consider from the beginning how to track vulnerabilities but also how to effectively remove versions that have been flagged as actively harmful, and how to support your users if they have deployed something dodgy. If that day comes, you need to at least be able to help your users. It will still be awful, but if you treat your users right, you might still make it.


Your people will be exploited. Every company that has an army of customer service representatives will need to make a trade-off between customer convenience and security. Attacks on customer service reps are very common. If you have high-value clients, people will use you to get to your clients’ money. There is nothing to say here, other than obviously you will be working with relevant authorities and regulatory bodies, as well as fine tune your authentication process so that you ask for confirmation information that is not readily available to an attacker.


I don’t have any numbers on this, so I am unsure how big of a problem this is, but it is mentioned often in security. Basically, humans can be exploited in a different way. Employees can be coerced through intimidation, blackmail or bribery to act maliciously on behalf of an attacker. My suspicion is that this is less common than employers think, and that times when an employee was stressed or distracted and fell for a phishing e-mail, the employer would think “that is too obvious of a phish, this guy must have been in on it”.

It makes me think of that one time when a systemic failure on multiple levels meant that a cleaner accidentally started a commuter train that ran from the depot the length of the commuter railway Saltsjöbanan – at maximum speed – eventually crashing through the buffers and into a building at the terminus. In addition to her injuries, she suffered the headlines “train stolen and crashed” until the investigation revealed the shocking institutional failings that had made this accident possible. I can’t remember all of them but there were things from the practices in how cleaners accessed the trains, how safety controls were disabled as a matter of course, how trains were stabled, the fact that points were left set so that a runaway train would actually leave the depot. A shambles. Yet the first reaction from the employer was to blame the cleaner.

Anyway, to return to the matter at hand – yes, although I cannot speculate on the prevalence it is a risk. Presumably, if you hire right and look after your people you can get them to come to you if they have messed up and gotten themselves into a compromised situations where they are being blackmailed or if somebody is leaning on them. Breeding a strong culture of fear can be counterproductive here – i.e. let people think that you will help them rather than fire them and litigate as long as they voluntarily come forward. If you are working in a regulated industry, things are complicated further by law enforcement in various jurisdictions.

Sprint 0 for old school .NET devs

When you start work on a code base, either from scratch or as you approach it as a new dev, there are a few things you should ensure are in place before you get going. Like most other things, these are easier and more natural on more mature platforms than it tends to be on .NET where the toy app tends to be king, but it is doable. I will here list some technologies I use and I may mention some competing ones for completeness. I can’t share most of the code because reasons, but if there is interest, I can put together samples showing specific techniques of the ones I have used.


The checklist of what you need to put in place if it doesn’t exist is the following:

  • Version control
  • Build server
  • Automated tests run as part of the build process
  • Automated packaging
  • Automated deployment
  • Automated monitoring
  • Automated setup of development environment

I know most of that reads as “a house must have a roof” but there were, and still are,  places where people go “We’re only a couple of guys, we can just leave the source on the NAS, it’s backed up”, so I’m just being clear here.

The last point may seem like overkill, but especially if you use the abomination that is 3rd party components, it is crucial to save time and more easily onboard new guys.

Version control

I’m going to shock you here and not require that you use Git. You might want to, because it’s becoming a skill everybody has, and GitHub is a beautiful place to keep your code, but if your workflow is centralised anyway. you can legitimately stay with Subversion as long as you take care of the basics, as in backing up the repository properly. Recent versions have less horrible diffing, so it is is not that bad anymore. The most crucial aspect is that you do need a version control system that has a good powerful command line interface.

Build server

I’m going to suggest TeamCity here, because I know it well, but it has some real drawbacks. GitHub comes with TravisCI which is a modern CI system. Jenkins has been popular. The point is – make sure your build configuration is the same on the development machine as it is on the build server, and make sure the build configuration is version controlled with the source, ideally that you can run all of it from the command line. This way you can know you are not about to break the build before you push your changes and also you know that you can recreate a previous version of the code without faff because a contemporary build configuration can be found in source control along side the source.

Automated tests run as part of the build process

The obvious bit here are to run your favourite command-line testrunner on your build output to make sure all your tests run on the build server.

You can always write powershell scripts to make simple but high-value integration tests, it doesn’t all have to be Selenium / FitNesse even though those are quite nice once you are over the initial hurdle, but yes, there is a cost.

Automated deployment

Many ways to deploy exist, OctopusDeploy is popular to use with TeamCity, but you should look at chef and puppet as well. They tend to be hostile to Windows, but it is now possible to use them, and they make sense. It is as if they are specifically designed for the purpose of deploying and maintaining software infrastructure.

Years ago I looked very briefly at Puppet, but I have come to work with chef recently and it does what it is supposed to do, but I have no factual reason to rate chef higher than puppet other than that I now know it.

For chef you can look at kitchen to test your deployment scripts in transient VMs. It can use Azure VMs, VMWare WorkStation or Vagrant / VirtualBox and it does shorten the feedback cycle considerably.

Automated monitoring

You can use pingdom, Monitis or Nagios or just run a few curl/wget in a scheduled task and send an email if they don’t return the expected information. Either way, you need to be able to know if things aren’t working. Use the smallest possible thing you can get away with if your budget is constrained, but do use something.

Automated setup of the development environment

This may be sensitive, as developers tend to be particular about where their code lives and how their machine is organised, but having the developers just be able to run a script and end up with all their development tools set up and ready to debug.

Some things are going to be difficult. Installing Redgate SQL Source Control doesn’t seem to be scriptable, but other than that you can:

  • install Visual Studio
  • Install plugins
  • Use chocolatey to install source control management
  • Get the sources locally

In some cases, as your system grows, and you break bits out into separate micro services, you will need this scripting to make sure you can set up the entire system to debugged locally. Ideally you would, as an additional means to verify your deployment method, use chef-zero or corresponding technology from Puppet to use your normal deployment templates as you configure the system on the development machines as well. This is another situation where clever IDE tooling actively makes things difficult for you, but any work you put in to automate here will pay huge dividends.

But what does this all mean in practice?

In short, if you are going to keep working on Windows exclusively, at least learn Powershell. It is not that horrible. The stance among Windows users have long been anti-scripting, and with the state of CMD.exe it has been for good reason. Powershell, though, has a lot of features that make sense even though the syntax can be confusing at first. Learning ruby may be more viable from a cross-platform perspective, but Powershell is evidently more suited for Windows and a lot of useful cmdlets for enabling windows features et cetera are only available in Powershell.