When considering what provider to use in order to polish and cut the diamonds that are your deployable units of code into the stunningly clear diamonds they deserve to be, you have probably considered CircleCi, Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, TeamCity and similar.
After playing with GitHub Actions for a bit, I’m going to comment on a few recent experiences.
Overall Philosophy
Unlike TeamCity, but like CircleCI and – to some extent – Azure DevOps, it’s all about what is in the yaml. You modify your code and the wáy it gets built in the same commit – which is the way God intended it.
There are countless benefits to this strategy, over that of TeamCity where the builds are defined in the UI. That means that if you make a big restructuring of the source repository but need to hotfix a pre-restructure version of the code, you had better have kept an archived version of the old build chain or you will have a bad day.
There is a downside, though. The artefact management and chaining in TeamCity is extremely intuitive, so if you build an artefact in one chain and deploy it in the next, it is really simple to make work like clockwork. You can achieve this easily with ADO too, but those are predictably the bits that require some tickling of the UI.
Now, is a real problem? Should not – in this modern world – builds be small and self-contained? Build-and-push to a docker registry, [generic-tool] up, Bob’s your uncle? Your artefact stuff and separate build / deployment pipelines smack of legacy, what are we – living in the past?! you exclaim.
Sure, but… Look, the various hallelujah solutions that offer “build-and-push-and-deploy”, you know as well as I do that at some point they are going to behave unpredictably, and all you can tell is that the wrong piece of code is running in production with no evidence offered as to why.
“My kingdom for a logfile” as it is written, so – you want to separate the build from the deploy, and then you need to stitch a couple of things together and the problems start.
Complex scenarios
When working with ADO, you can name builds (in the UI) so that you can reference their output from the yaml, and move on from there, to identify the tag of the docker container you just built and reference it when you are deploying cloud resources.
What about GitHub Actions?
Allegedly, you can define outputs or you can create reusaable workflows, so that your “let’s build cloud resources” bit of yaml can be shared in case you have multiple situations (different environments?) that you want to deploy that the same time, you can avoid duplication.
There are a couple of gotchas, though. If you defined a couple of outputs in a workflow for returning a couple of docker image tags for later consumption, they … exist, somewhere? Maybe. You could first discover that your tags are disqualified from being used as output in a step because they contain a secret(!), which in the AWS case can be resolved by supplying an undocumented parameter to the AWS Login action, encouraging it to not mask the account number. The big showstopper imhoi is that the scenario where you would want to just grab some metadata from a historic run of a separate workflow file to identify which docker images to deploy, that doesn’t seem as clearly supported.
The idea for GitHub Actions workflows seems to be – at least at time of writing, that you do all the things in one file, in one go, possibly with some flow-control to pick which steps get skipped. There is no support for the legacy concept of “OK, I built it now, and deployed it to my test environment” – some manual testing happens – and “OK, it was fine, of course, I was never worried” -> you deploy the same binaries to live. “Ah HAH! You WERE just complaining about legacy! I KNEW IT!” you shout triumphantly. Fair cop, but society is to blame.
If you were to consider replacing Azure DevOps with GitHub Actions for anything even remotely legacy, please be aware that things could end up being dicey. Imho.
If I’m wrong, I’m hoping to leverage Cunningham’s Law to educate me, because googling and reading the source sure did not reveal any magic to me.