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WSL 2 in anger

I have previously written about the Windows Subsystem for Linux. As a recap, it comes in two flavours- one built on the concept of pico processes, marshalling the Linux ABI into Win32 API calls (WSL1) and an actual Linux kernel hosted in a lightweight Hyper-V installation (WSL2). Both types have file system integration and fairly transparent command line interface to run Linux commands from Windows and Windows executables from the Linux command line. But, beyond the headline stuff, how does it work in real life?

Of course with WSL1, there are compatibility issues, but the biggest problem is horrifyingly slow Linux file system performance because of it being Windows NTFS pretending to be EXT4. Since NTFS is slow on small files, you can imagine an operating system whose main feature is being a immense collection of small files working together would run slowly on top of it a filesystem with those characteristics.

With WSL2, obviously kernel compatibility is 100%, as, well it’s a Linux kernel, and the Linux file system stuff Just Works, as the file system is managed natively (although over hypervisor), but ironically, the /mnt filesystem with the Windows drives mounted are prohibitively slow. It has been said to be a bug that has been allegedly fixed, but given that we are – at the end of the day – talking about accessing local PCIe gen 4 NVME storage, managing to make file I/O this slow, betrays plenty of room for improvement. To summarise – if you want to do Linuxy in Linux under Windows, use WSL2 , if you want to do Windowsy things in Linux under Windows, use WSL1. Do with that what you will. WSL2 being based on a proper VM means despite huge efforts, the networking story is not super smooth, no proper mechanism exists to make things easier for you and no hits on Google will actually address the fundamental problem.

That is to say, I can run a website I have built in docker in WSL2, but l need to do a lot of digging to figure out what IP the site got, and do a lot of firewall stuff to be able to reach it. Also, running X Window with the excellent X410 server requires a lot of bespoke scripting because there is no way of setting up the networking to just work on start-up. You would seriously think that a sensible bridging default could have been brought in to make things a lot more palatable? After all, all I want to do is road test my .NET Core APIs and apps in docker before pushing them. Doesn’t seem too extreme of a use case.

To clarify – running or debugging a .NET Core Linux website from Visual Studio Code (with the WSL2 backend) works seamlessly, absolutely seamlessly. My only gripe is that because of the networking issue, I cannot really actually verify docker things in WSL2 which I surmised was the point of WSL2 vs WSL1.