Monthly Archives: July 2024

How small is small?

I have great respect for the professional agile coach and scrum master community. Few people seem to systematically care for both humans and business, maintaining profitability without ever sacrificing the humans. Now, however, I will alienate vast swathes of them in one post. Hold on.

What is work in software development?

Most mature teams do two types of work, they look after a system and make small changes to it – maintenance, keeping the lights on and new features that the business claims it wants. It is common to get an army in to build a new platform and then allow the teams to naturally attrit as transformational project works fizzles out, contractors leave, the most marketable developers either get promoted out of the team or get better offers elsewhere. A small stream of fine adjustment changes keep coming in to the core team of maintenance developers – effectively – that remains. Eventually this maintenance development work gets outsourced abroad.

A better way is to have teams of people that work together all day every day. Don’t expand and contract or otherwise mess with teams, hire carefully from the beginning and keep new work flowing into teams rather than restructuring after a piece of work is complete. Contract experts to pair with the existing team if you need to tech the team new technology, but don’t get mercenaries to do work. It might be slower, but if you have a good team that you treat well, odds are better they’ll stay, and they will develop new features to be able to be maintained better in the future and less likely to cut corners as any shortcuts will blow up in their own faces shortly later.

Why do we plan work?

When companies spend money on custom software development, a set of managers at very high positions within the organisation have decided that investing in custom software is a competitive advantage, and several other managers think they are crazy to spend all this money on IT.

To mollify the greater organisation, there is some financial oversight and budgeting. Easily communicated projects are sold to the business “we’ll put a McGuffin in the app”, “we’ll sprinkle some AI on it” or similar, and hopefully there is enough money in there to also do a bit of refactoring on the sly.

This pot of money is finite, so there is strong pressure to keep costs under control, don’t get any surprise AWS bills or middle managers will have to move on. Cost runaway kills companies, so there are legitimately people not sleeping at night when there are big projects in play.

How do we plan?

Problem statement

Software development is very different from real work. If you build a physical thing, anything from a phone to a house, you can make good use of a detailed drawing describing exactly how the thing is constructed and the exact properties of the components that are needed. If you are to make changes or maintain it, you need these specifications. It is useful both for construction and maintenance.

If you write the exact same piece of software twice, you have some kind of compulsive issue, you need help. The operating system comes with commands to duplicate files. Or you could run the compiler twice. There are infinite ways of building the exact same piece of software. You don’t need a programmer to do that, it’s pointless. A piece of software is not a physical thing.

Things change, a lot. Fundamentally – people don’t know what they want until they see it, so even if you did not have problems with technology changing underneath your feet whilst developing software, you would still have problems with the fact that fundamentally people did not know what they wanted back when they asked you to build something.

The big issues though is technology change. Back in the day, computer manufacturers would have the audacity to evolve the hardware in ways that made you have to re-learn how to write code. High level languages came along and now instead we live with Microsoft UI frameworks or Javascript frameworks that are mandatory one day and obsolete the next. Things change.

How do you ever successfully plan to build software, then? Well… we have tried to figure that out for seven decades. The best general concept we have arrived at so far is iteration, i.e. deliver small chunks over time rather than to try and deliver all of it at once.

The wrong way

One of the most well-known but misunderstood papers is Managing The Development of Large Software Systems by Dr Winston W Royce1 that launched the concept Waterfall.

Basically, the software development process in waterfall is outlined into distinct phases:

  1. System requirements
  2. Software requirements
  3. Analysis
  4. Program design
  5. Coding
  6. Testing
  7. Operations

For some reason people took this as gospel for several decades, despite the core, fundamental problem that dooms the process to failure is outlined right below figure 2 – the pretty waterfall illustration of the phases above – that people keep referring to, it says:

I believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky and invites failure. The
problem is illustrated in Figure 4. The testing phase which occurs at the end of the development cycle is the
first event for which timing, storage, input/output transfers, etc., are experienced as distinguished from
analyzed. These phenomena are not precisely analyzable. They are not the solutions to the standard partial
differential equations of mathematical physics for instance. Yet if these phenomena fail to satisfy the various
external constraints, then invariably a major redesign is required. A simple octal patch or redo of some isolated
code will not fix these kinds of difficulties. The required design changes are likely to be so disruptive that the
software requirements upon which the design is based and which provides the rationale for everything are
violated. Either the requirements must be modified, or a substantial change in the design is required. In effect
the development process has returned to the origin and one can expect up to a lO0-percent overrun in schedule
and/or costs.

Managing The Development of Large Software Systems, Dr Winston W Royce

Reading further, Royce realises that a more iterative approach is necessary as pure waterfall is impossible in practice. His legacy however was not that.

Another wrong way – RUP

Rational Rose and the Rational Unified Process was the Chat GPT of the late nineties, early noughties. Basically, if you only would make an UML drawing in Rational Rose, it would give you a C++ program that executed. It was magical. Before PRINCE2 and SAFe, everyone was RUP certified. You had loads of planning meetings, wrote elaborate Use Cases on index cards, and eventually you had code. It sounds like waterfall with better tooling.


People realised that when things are constantly changing, it was doomed to have a fixed plan to start with and to stay on it even when you knew that it was unattainable or undesirable to reach the original goal. Loads of attempts were made, but one day some people got together to actually have a proper go at defining what should be the true way going forward.

In February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, seventeen people met to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common ground—and of course, to eat. What emerged was the Agile ‘Software Development’ Manifesto. Representatives from Extreme Programming, SCRUM, DSDM, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, and others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convened.

History: The Agile Manifesto

So – everybody did that, and we all lived happily ever after?

Short answer: No. You don’t get to just spend cash, i.e. have developer do work, without making it clear what you are spending it on, why, and how you intend to know that it worked. Completely unacceptable, people thought.

The origins of tribalism within IT departments have been done to death in this blog alone, so for once it will not be rehashed. Suffice to say, organisationally often staff is organised according to their speciality rather than in teams that produce output together. Budgeting is complex, there can be political competition that is counter productive to IT as a whole or for the organisation as a whole.

Attempts at running a midsize to large IT department that develops custom software have been made in form of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), DevOps and SRE (where SRE is addressing the problem backwards, from running black-box software using monitoring, alerts, metrics and tracing to ensure operability and reliability of the software).

As part of some of the original frameworks that came in with the Agile Manifesto, a bunch of practices became part of Agile even though they were not “canon”, such as User Stories, that were said to be a few words on an index card, pinned to a noticeboard in the team office, just wordy enough to help you discuss a problem directly with your user. This of course eventually started to develop back into the verbose RUP Use Cases from yesteryear, but “agile, because they are in Jira”, and rules had to be created for the minimum amount of information on there to successfully deliver a feature. In the Toyota Production System that originated Scrum, Lean Software Development and Six Sigma (sadly, an antipattern), one of the key the lessons is The ideal batch size is 1, and generally making smaller changes. This explosion in size of the user story is symptomatic of the remaining problems in modern software development.

Current state of affairs

So what do we do

As you can surmise if you read the previous paragraphs, we did not fix it for everybody, we still struggle to reliably make software.

The story and its size problems

The part of this blog post that will alienate the agile community is coming up. The units of work are too big. You can’t release something that is not a feature. Something smaller than a feature has no value.

If you work next to a normal human user, and they say – to offer an example – “we keep accidentally clicking on this button, so we end up sending a message to the customer too early, we are actually just trying to get to this area here to double-check before sending”, you can collaboratively determine the correct behaviour, make it happen, release in one day, and it is a testable and demoable feature.

Unfortunately requirements tend to be much bigger and less customer facing. Like, department X want to start seeing the reasons for turning down customer requests in their BI tooling being a feature, and then a “product backlog item” could be service A and service B needs to post messages on a message bus in various positions of the user flow identifying reasons.

Iterating over and successfully releasing this style of feature to production is hard.

Years ago I saw Allen Holub speaking on SD&D in London and his approach to software development is very pure. It is both depressing and enlightening to read the flamewars that erupt in his mentions on Twitter when he explains how to successfully make and release small changes. People scream and shout that it is not possible to do it his way.

In the years since, I have come to realise that nothing is more important than making smaller units of work. We need to make smaller changes. Everything gets better if / when we succeed. It requires a mindset shift, a move away from big detailed backlogs to smaller changes, discussed directly with the customer (in the XP sense, probably some other person in the business, or another development team). To combat the uncertainty, it is possible to mandate some kind of documentation update (graph? chart?) as part of the definition of done. Yes, needless documentation is waste, but if we need to keep a map over how the software is built, as long as people actually consult it, it is useful. We don’t need any further artefacts of the story once the feature is live in production anyway.

How do we make smaller stories?

This is the challenge for our experts in agile software development. Teach us, be bothered, ignore the sighs of developers that still do not understand, the ones raging in Allen Holub’s mentions. I promise, they will understand when they see it first hand. Daily releases of bug free code. They think people are lying to them when they hear us talk about it. When they experience it though, they will love it.

When every day means a new story in production, you also get predictability. As soon as you are able to split incoming or proposed work into daily chunks, you also get the ability to forecast – roughly, better than most other forms of estimate – and since you deliver the most important new thing every day, you give the illusion of value back to those that pay your salary.