Monthly Archives: July 2016

Retention policy and crypto

I just deleted an old post because I re-read it and I was attempting my own crypto on config files instead of using DPAPI. I reserve the right to delete old posts if they turn out to be complete bollocks.

Just to show how you encrypt an app config file on a machine where you do not have IIS installed and cannot use the traditional aspnet_regiis command-line tool that your first googlebing will tell you all about – I give you the below piece of code.

Note that you need to encrypt the file on the target machine as DPAPI is machine specific, so there will be a brief moment when the file is on disk in clear text which is a basic flaw of the entire DPAPI concept, but at least you are not rolling your own crypto.

static int Main(string[] args)
    if (args.Length != 1)
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Wrong number of arguments.\r\n{0} <configfile_to_encrypt>", GetExeName());

    return EncyptAppSettings(args[0]);

private static int EncyptAppSettings(string pathToFile)
    if (!File.Exists(pathToFile))
         return LogFatalError(string.Format("Executable {0} not found", pathToFile), 2);
    if (!File.Exists(pathToFile + ".config"))
         return LogFatalError(string.Format("Config file {0} not found", pathToFile), 3);

   var configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(pathToFile);
   var appSettings = configuration.GetSection("appSettings") as AppSettingsSection;
   appSettings.SectionInformation.ForceSave = true;
   return 0;

private static int LogFatalError(string message, int exitCode)
    Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} failed: {1}", GetExeName(), message);
    return exitCode;

private static string GetExeName()
    return Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;


More about configs while developing

In my previous post I discussed what you can and shall automate in terms of your development environment and I speculated in one place about what one ought to do with the web.config file in Visual Studio. I have made a script that uses my local chef repo to configure the configuration files using chef-zero and clearly that works. It is a bit messy -but it works. This was where I was when I wrote the last blog post containing my speculation.

Getting further – to an actually workable solution – I have run into what seems like a brick wall. The complexity of using chef-zero seems to need some refactoring, but the biggest problem is maintaining the templates. Nuget keeps editing binding redirects in web.config and it would be nice if those changes could be applied to the erb files. Since this is how ASP.NET works, the source web.config combined with per-environment transforms is highly favoured because it has the lowest maintenance burden. There are a number of plugins that supports this workflow even for EXE projects and other things.

My problem with those is that they violate a basic principle of keeping configuration away from the source repository. Also, I’m happy with chef and I don’t want to replace its templating engine with web.config transforms so trying to adhere to the concept of running the same setup in development as in production makes it difficult unless I can find a way to dynamically update the erb file.